
Full-time attendance timeframe

A timeframe usually means 9 full-time quarters of attendance for a 90 credit program (100 level classes and above) for an Associate Degree. Baccalaureate Degree students will be allowed an additional nine quarters for the junior and senior years.  Attempted credits are counted even when they do not show on the grade transcript.

Part-time attendance timeframe

The timeframe will be expanded for students enrolling part-time. If attending three-quarter time (9-11 credits), Associate Degree students can receive financial aid for 12 quarters of attendance. If attending half-time (6-8 credits), Associate Degree students can receive financial aid for 18 quarters of attendance. If choosing to attend less than half-time (5 credits or less), Associate Degree students can receive financial aid for up to the equivalent total of the first 9 full-time quarters of attendance. Part-time enrollment is counted as 录, 陆 or 戮 of a quarter.

Credits earned from other schools

Transferred credits will count toward the overall financial aid eligibility and timeframe. Grades from transfer credits are not included in the cumulative grade point calculation.

Classes covered by financial aid

Financial Aid only covers classes which count toward the eligible program of study at Green River. Certificates with fewer than 24 credits cannot be covered. Students wanting to drop classes should do so prior to the start of the quarter as dropping classes will affect eligibility, and students may owe a repayment of grant funds.

Program change exception

With prior permission from the Financial Aid Office, students may make ONE program of study change to allow an additional three quarters of financial aid eligibility

Warning: If you change your program of study and cannot complete your new program within the original 150% timeframe, you will lose eligibility for financial aid (aside from the program change exception listed above).