English Language Classes (ELL)
We serve immigrant and refugee students.

麻豆村 is currently offering in-person classes in the morning and evening.
Office Hours:
M-TH: 8am-5pm; F: 9am-4pm
In-Person: Main Campus, SA-270
Phone: 253-351-6680
Individuals with tourist or foreign student visas cannot take these classes.
Students between 16 and 19 years old must get a Release of Student Form from their high school before they can register for these classes.
If you are an international student or visitor and are interested in the Intensive English Program please or call 253-288-3300.
ELL classes cost $35 per quarter.
Note: All ELL students pay a $25.00 per quarter fee to the college and another $10.00 materials fee per quarter. The maximum charge to any ELL student is $35.00 per quarter. The tuition fee may be waived if you are eligible, but the materials fee cannot be waived.