ASGRC President
Job Description
Appointment: Fall Term - Spring Term
Supervisor: Students of 麻豆村,
Director of Student Activities & Engagement
Compensation: $15.21 per hour in 2022, $16.00 an hour in 2023 (estimated)
Workload: 12 Hours per week; includes Office Hours, Meetings
Job Summary
The ASGRC President is the primary advocate for student interests to the Green River
faculty and administrators. The powers of the President shall be to determine general
executive policy. The President also appoints committees and boards which are subject
to the approval of the Student Senate. The president appoints students for faculty,
administrative, and trustee committees with consent of the Student Senate. The President
signs or to vetos all legislation passed by the Student Senate within ten academic
days of passage or they shall automatically take effect. The President has the ability
to make and to sign contracts for ASGRC, with the consent of the Director of Student
Life; and to perform all duties necessary to carry out executive policy related to
student interests.
Primary Responsibilities
1. Be the Face of Student Government
2. Represent the Student Voice and present monthly report at Board of Trustee Meetings
3. Plan, delegate, and evaluate, set goals and create ideas, tone, and direction
4. Communicate ideas and information and appoint committees and task forces
5. Preside over and coordinate the officer transition process
6. Serve on the Executive Board of ASGRC
7. Chair the Commencement Speaker Committee
8. Chair the Student Senate Outreach Committee
9. Be the Washington Community and Technical College Student Association representative
for Green River - Attend WACTCSA meetings
10. Determines general executive policy
11. Motivate and recognize the achievement of officers and members
12. Understand, educate membership, and ensure that the organization adheres to campus
and organizational regulations
13. Facilitate all meeting of the organization and serve as official representative
14. Mediate conflict within the organization
15. Preside over and coordinate the officer transition process
16. Appoints students to committees and boards
17. Aid in the senator interview and selection process
18. Sit on a Disciplinary Board of Appeals
19. Call Special Meetings
Secondary Responsibilities
1. Complete Summer Leadership Training
2. Fulfill twelve (12) hours each week and generally be available to hear concerns
from both the ASGRC members and the wider student body.
3. Work at the Front Desk in the Student Life Office or Information Center in the
Student Union in scheduled shifts.
4. Work with the Director of Student Activities & Engagement to provide opportunities
for group development and leadership growth for Executive Officers.
5. Regularly touch base with the Dean of Students and College President to keep them
updated on things going on within ASGRC and to advocate for student interests.
6. Complete a transition notebook and files by May 1st and identify area of growth
within ASGRC.
Minimum Qualifications
1. Must be enrolled in 10 credits
2. Maintain a 2.75 quarterly GPA
3. Ability to work for extended periods at computer workstation, lab bench, etc.
4. Ability and willingness to pick up and deliver materials on campus.
ASGRC Vice President of Governance
Job Description
Appointment: Fall Term - Spring Term
Supervisor: Students of 麻豆村,
Director of Student Activities & Engagement
Compensation: $15.21 per hour in 2022, $16.00 an hour in 2023 (estimated)
Workload: 12 Hours per week; includes Office Hours, Meetings
Job Summary
The ASGRC Vice President of Governance shall be the chairperson of the Student Senate.
They serve as a student representative to the All College Council. They shall insure
all legislation passed by Student Senate is conveyed to the ASGRC President within
two academic days of passage. They shall perform all duties necessary to carry out
legislative policy related to student interests.
Primary Responsibilities
1. The ASGRC Vice President of Governance shall be the presiding officer of the Senate,
but shall have no vote unless the Senate is equally divided
2. Perform the duties of the president in their absence
3. Chair all ASGRC Senate meetings including but not limited to: creating weekly agendas,
inviting guest speakers, etc.
4. Serve as a voting member on the Commencement Speaker Committee and the Technology
Fee Committee
5. Recruit senators with ASGRC President and ASGRC Vice President of Finance
6. Chair the Student Senate Governance Committee
7. Swear in new elected senators
8. Serve on the Executive Board of ASGRC
9. Manage and inform the president of all committee activity
10. Serve in partnership with the President and Vice President of Finance as a leadership
11. Recruit senators with ASGRC President and ASGRC Chief Justice
Secondary Responsibilities
1. Complete Summer Leadership Training and CLEO responsibilities
2. Fulfill twelve (12) hours each week and generally be available to hear concerns
from both the ASGRC members and the wider student body.
3. Work at the Front Desk in the Student Life Office or Information Center in the
Student Union in scheduled shifts.
4. Work with the Director of Student Activities & Engagement to provide opportunities
for group development and leadership growth for Student Senate.
5. Complete a transition notebook and files by May 1st and identify area of growth
within ASGRC.
Minimum Qualifications
1. Must be enrolled in 10 credits
2. Maintain a 2.75 quarterly GPA
3. Ability to work for extended periods at computer workstation, lab bench, etc.
4. Ability and willingness to pick up and deliver materials on campus.
ASGRC Vice President of Finance
Job Description
Appointment: Fall Term - Spring Term
Supervisor: Students of 麻豆村,
Director of Student Activities & Engagement
Compensation: $15.21 per hour in 2022, $16.00 an hour in 2023 (estimated)
Workload: 12 Hours per week; includes Office Hours, Meetings
Job Summary
The ASGRC Vice President of Finance shall be the chairperson of the ASGRC Finance
Committee. They serve as a Parliamentarian for the ASGRC Senate. They shall perform
all duties necessary to carry out legislative policy related to student interests.
They will serve as chair of the 522-budget committee. They will also be responsible
for ensuring that clubs and organizations receive the support they need from the ASGRC
and Student Life Staff team.
Primary Responsibilities
1. Chair the ASGRC Senate Finance Committee
2. Chair 522 budget developing committee meetings
3. Serve on the Green River Technology Fee Committee
4. Serve as the Parliamentarian for the ASGRC Senate
5. Help Clubs & Organizations to complete paperwork for ASGRC Senate budget requests.
6. Review all governing documents of the Club Council in conjunction with the Program
Manager for Student Activities.
7. Serve on the Executive Board of ASGRC
8. Serve as a voting member on the Commencement Speaker Committee
Secondary Responsibilities
1. Complete Summer Leadership Training and CLEO responsibilities
2. Fulfill twelve (12) hours each week and generally be available to hear concerns
from both the ASGRC members and the wider student body.
3. Work at the Front Desk in the Student Life Office or Information Center in the
Student Union in scheduled shifts.
4. Complete a transition notebook and files by May 1st and identify areas of growth
within ASGRC.
Minimum Qualifications
1. Must be enrolled in 10 credits
2. Maintain a 2.75 quarterly GPA
3. Ability to work for extended periods at computer workstation, lab bench, etc.
4. Ability and willingness to pick up and deliver materials on campus.