Students must withdraw through ctcLink or submit a withdrawal/change of schedule form
to guarantee the accuracy of their permanent records and to begin refund procedures
when applicable. The student may receive a refund under the following conditions:
- 100 percent refund of tuition and fees - When courses or programs are canceled by
the college.
- 100 percent refund of tuition and fees - Through the fifth instructional day of the
quarter when a student officially withdraws from class.
- 40 percent refund of tuition only (no fees will be refunded after the 100% refund
period ends) - When official withdrawal occurs after the fifth instructional day of
the quarter through the end of the refund period (see next bullet).
- No refunds - After the 15th calendar day of the quarter. The 15th calendar day is
the end of the refund period.
- Short term classes - 100 percent refund of tuition and fees - when official withdrawal
occurs prior to or on the first day of class only. Short-term classes are indicated
by dates published with the class listing.
- Refunds of less than ten dollars ($10.00) will not be made.
- Appeals to the refund rules must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar in written
form with a Withdrawal/Refund Exception Request, including supporting documentation. Refund appeals must be received by the Office
of the registrar by the end of the following quarter for a refund or within one year
of the quarter in question for a late withdrawal.
- Separate refund rules apply to students receiving financial aid. Tuition refunds must
be returned to the financial aid account and not to the student.
Separate refund rules apply to students enrolled in continuing education non-credit