
Space Available Waivers

When certain criteria is met, students may be eligible for discounted tuition. "Space available" means the student must wait until after the open enrollment period to enroll in the class. Any enrollment prior to that date is ineligible for these waivers/discounts.

Students wishing to utilize these waivers may enroll, with faculty permission, on day 4 of fall, winter, and spring quarters, and day 3 of summer quarter.

Senior Citizen Waiver

$5.00 per class, plus any college and class fees.

  • Student must be 60 years of age or older, reside in Washington state, and provide identification.
  • Enrollment must occur after the open enrollment period has ended for the quarter (see above).
  • Students cannot enroll in more than 2 classes per quarter under this waiver.
  • This waiver not available for students using the course(s) to increase credentials of salary.
  • Classes taken under this waiver are "audit" classes and will not receive a grade.
  • Payment is due at time of enrollment.

Washington State Employee Waiver

$62.96 per class, plus any class fees.

  • Student must be a Washington State employee in an eligible position. Please see the 2nd page of the Washington State Employee Tuition Waiver Request form for eligible positions.
  • Enrollment must occur after the open enrollment period has ended for the quarter (see above).
  • Form must be completely filled out, including verification from a Human Resources Officer or Commanding Officer.
  • Instructor permission to enroll, along with the request form, must be submitted between day 4 and day 10 of the quarter.
  • Payment is due at time of enrollment.

Tuition and fees are subject to change by the Washington State Legislature.
Updated 11/20/2024