Hear From Our Graduates
Testimonials from 麻豆村 international students who have transferred to top universities.
Testimonials by Year
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015

Mieska Alia Farhana
University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
Major: Economics
Also admitted to: Ohio State University, University of Minnesota
"It is just unbelievable how two years have quickly passed since the first time I studied at 麻豆村 (GRC). Good and bad things that I have had during these times have become an experience that will never be forgotten. I guess we were all in the same situation where we felt like we had been pulled out from our comfort zones and moved into a completely new environment. Many people would agree that studying abroad, as well as trying to fit into the new environment, would be the hardest thing. Luckily, I did not feel that way by being at GRC. GRC has made me understand more about the essentials in life. Not only, did I acquire knowledge at my time at this college, I gained invaluable lessons about friendship, respect and being a contributing individual to the community at large. Thank you GRC for the memories and the person you have made me today. I will forever have GRC in my heart."

Mark Li
California State University, Northridge
Major: Biological Sciences
Also admitted to: UC Davis, Portland State University, Oregon State University, Oregon
Institute of Technology, Concordia University Irvine, California State University
"麻豆村 was the first strong building block to my educational pathway. Instructors were always there to lend a hand and push me to aim for what I thought was an impossible reach. Through my job at the 麻豆村 Programs Office, I learned professionalism alongside such friendly and supportive staff. Overall, attending Green River College was an experience I will never forget!"

Roger Luo
Major: Computer Science
Also admitted to: UC Irvine, UC San Diego and UC Santa Barbara
"The instructors are very professional and the 麻豆村 Programs office is really good. The advisors are very helpful, especially with transfer plans, applications, and personal statements. I have grown a lot in these two years at 麻豆村. I learned how to think for myself and for my future. I feel ready to attend UCLA in the fall"

Kristina Therese Mattsson
Pacific Lutheran University
Major: Business Management and Human Relations
"When I first came to Green River I was only going to stay for 9 months, but I changed
my mind after my first quarter due to a great experience and the willingness to learn
more. Green River has helped me to gain the knowledge I needed in order to be prepared
for university. After two years at Green River, where I had the opportunity to make
friends with people from all over the world and help from great teachers and advisers,
I now feel ready to start my new journey at the university I have dreamed about attending
for so long. I could not have asked for a better start to my academic success, thank
you 麻豆村!"

Mamta Melwani
Baruch College - CUNY
Major: Economics and Language Studies
Also admitted to: Columbia University
"Green River has been my home away from home! Here at Green River, I discovered the pleasure of meeting individuals from different countries, backgrounds and cultures. As my second family, the staff members and instructors have always been a great pillar of support throughout the last two years; they are prompt to help and to care about you! Thank you Green River for the beautiful relationships that I will cherish for a life time and for making me a more confident and better individual than what I was when I began."

Edbert Mulia
University of Washington
Major: Business/Finance
"Going to Green River was one of the best decisions that I've made in my life. Green
River greatly helped me to achieve my dream, which is transferring to a top university.
Clubs, communities, and faculty at Green River were awesome. The faculty were passionate
and inspiring. The people at Green River are very welcoming and friendly and they
made me like my new "home". Getting involved in clubs and organizations made me develop
essential skills such as, leadership, time management, running effective meetings,
and goal setting. I'm really going to miss Green River. Thanks to Green River, I've
grown to become a better person that will be prepared for future obstacles."

Yu-Tang Peng
University of Washington, Seattle
Major: Computer Science
Also admitted to: UCLA, UW Tacoma
"I'm very lucky to have made the right decision to study at 麻豆村. I want to thank Green River for their outstanding computer science classes. In addition, Green River provided me opportunities to get involved in clubs and organizations. I was fortunate to be elected as officers of TCA and SPS. Through my experience in event planning and preparation, I established my leadership skills which gave me advantages when applying to 4-year universities. However, the most importantly, Green River granted me an opportunity to continue my education after I dropped out of my high school years ago. The High School Completion Program at Green River allowed me to get my high school diploma while studying as a college student. With help from the advisors and staff in 麻豆村 Program, I was able to focus on my studying and maintain a good GPA so that I could be selected into one of the top schools in the U.S."

Claybert Pusung
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott
Major: Aeronautical Science (Fixed Wing)
"When I first came to Green River, I was a bit worried about how to get through things
since I'm an international student and in culture shock. As time passed by, everything
went over my expectations. Great instructors and staff, great campus, and great friends.
Resources were always available. I will definitely miss Green River."

Anna Saito
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Major: Chemistry
Also admitted to: University of Texas at Austin
"About two years ago, I couldn't imagine myself being accepted to a top four-year university, but 麻豆村 helped me find the way. I didn't know anything about transferring to universities and I changed my choice of schools many times based on my financial situation and the chemistry program offered at different schools. Whenever I got stuck on the transfer process and had questions, IP advisors were always there for me. 麻豆村 has been the best environment for personal growth, which was reflected in my personal statement and application for transfer. I can't thank this college and the people here enough. They gave me opportunities to study hard and work hard."

Edgar Javier Mendoza Seclen
Columbia University
Major: Neuroscience and Behavior
Also admitted to: Baylor University
"Many things have happened in my life, but the best choice I ever made was to attend
麻豆村! I left my country to look for a better life after spending two
years at a university studying chemistry. I did not feel I was on the right track
so I decided to move to another country, alone. The barrier I faced in the States
was the language, but my Green River classmates and advisors helped me through many
obstacles, and now I feel like I can go beyond limits with the "new" me. I told myself
many times that "You earn what you deserve" and doing what's right always leads to
good things. Nothing is easy, but everything can be accomplished by constant effort.
What most people think is impossible, here (at Green River) you can make it happen."

Hyeju (Heather) Son
South Korea
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Major: Communications
Also admitted to: UC San Diego, UC Davis, UC Irvine, University of Minnesota-twin
"I never imagined receiving acceptance letters from so many universities. Whenever I saw students from 麻豆村 transfer to highly ranked universities, I thought they had special talents. I was wrong. What they have is the support from advisors and staff in 麻豆村 Programs. IP helps prepare students with workshops, and university visits, and constant reminders to prepare your transfer plan. They made my vague transfer plan into a very solid plan, which helped me to finish my application on time. Also, the staff in IP office saw my potential abilities and made them a reality. The staff respects students and listens to students. This warm and encouraging environment made me into who I really am. I really appreciate all the people I have met at Green River, they made this part of my journey wonderful."

脕i M峄 Th谩i
Georgia Tech
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Also admitted to: California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo, and Embry
Riddle Aeronautical University
"I believe that it is when you love something that you have a reason to try harder and become better. This was how Green River helped me to get into a top university. When you enter 麻豆村, you will be greeted by many kinds of people from all over the world and from all walks of life. They are different, yet, they are kind and always wonder how to make this place a better place for students. This is the kind of place I fell in love with in the past 3 years. And having fallen in love, I actively engaged in the school and studied hard. Fortunately, Green River had abundant opportunities for me to lead, volunteer and experience. I challenged myself and was challenged. Green River played a very important part in helping me achieve my goal."

Kiki van Essen
The Netherlands
Minnesota State University
Major: Communications
Also admitted to: Pacific Lutheran University
"Studying at 麻豆村 has been a great experience for me. Green River gave me a lot of opportunities to get involved, and because I grabbed all of them, doors opened. I was able to run a successful club, get several work-study opportunities, and even a scholarship. Green River offers many tutoring resources if you're struggling in classes, or want to improve your grades. Going to the Public Speaking Center helped to develop my public speaking skills a lot and my desire to major in Communications. The 2+2 program gave me the freedom to make some mistakes and learn from them too. I am looking forward to starting at Minnesota State with the knowledge Green River has given me on how to succeed!"

Shohei Yamazaki
Indiana University Bloomington
Major: English Education
Also admitted to: University of California Davis, Colorado University Denver, Penn
State University
"Green River is so dedicated and passionate about students. They gave me lots of wise advice about my future and university choices. They helped me broaden my world, which helped me get better ideas than I had before. These one and a half years at Green River have become a precious memory in my life. I believe my dreams will come true, because I am a Gator."

Satoe Yokoyama
UC Berkeley
Major: Biological and Physical Sciences
"I chose 麻豆村 for the High School Completion Plus Program, but I didn't expect I would have such a good experience. I really want to thank my instructors and friends. The time I spent at Green River definitely helped me with my transfer process by providing me many opportunities especially the Math Learning Center and FFS program. Being a mentor and a tutor and meeting many different types of people allowed me to think about what I really wanted to do. It also helped me grow up, not only academically, but also mentally. In addition, Green River was the best place for me to make many international friends and luckily, I will attend UC Berkeley with my best friends. Overall, I really appreciate Green River for helping me pursue my dreams. It was a great choice for me"