
Services and Activities (S&A) Fee Expenditures

2023/2024 Associated Students Expenditure Breakdown
Exempt (Professional/Technical and Temporary) 127,501.10
Classified  185,047.31
Students  308,197.01
Benefits  162,036.09
Goods & Services   
Advertising 9,361.81
Coffee & Light Refreshments 11,095.43
Communications 11,429.53
Conferences / Registrations 13,180.29
Dues / Membership Fees 22,182.70
Electricity 1,072.39
Insurance (Revolving Fund) 36,020.93
IT Supplies 3,458.36
Meals with Meetings 38,244.82
Office Supplies 312.79
Other Goods & Services  76,353.84
Phone Services 807.53
Postage and Parcel 251
Printing and Reproduction 5,331.18
Purchased Services 13,751.03
Rentals/Leases 30,654.38
Repairs and Maintenance 5,790.13
Software Maintenance 26,961.39
Subscriptions 5,970.56
Supplies 59,344.76
Vehicle Maintenance 124.83
In-State Subsistence & Lodging 53413.93
Motor Pool Services  25,115.49
Other Travel Expenses 1,210.88
Out of State Airfare 2,685.95
Out of State Subsist/Lodging 8,840.37
Private Auto Mileage 2,963.98
Capital Outlay   
Captialized Furnishings Equip 0
Non-Cap Office Furn. and Equip 21,862.15
Non-Capitalized Assets 2,281.93
Computers and Related Hardware 6,822.73
Grants, Benefits, & Client Services  
Athletics Scholarship 13,248.95
Direct Grant Pmts to Client/St 5,925
Other Grants and Benefits 520
Payment for Direct Client Svcs. 169,984.96
COP Lease/Purchase Interest 261,887.50
COP Lease/Purchase Principal 980,000
Exempt Salary Transfers 0
Intra Agency Transfer Benefits 0
Intra Agency Transfer Goods/Svcs. 8139.96
Govt. - Depreciation Exp (997) 1622.34
Prop - Bad Debt Expense 14,589.01
Prop - Depreciation Exp (Asset) 4,104.38
Total Expenditures 2,740,240.70
  Updated 09/13/2024