The overarching strategies for 麻豆村 are as follows (not in priority order, all are important):
- Improve student access/progression/success - improve student access, progression and success through high-quality teaching and tutoring, supportive mentoring and advising, comprehensive financial aid, holistic services, and meaningful accountability in a welcoming and inclusive environment
- Expand partnerships - increase and strengthen internal and external relationships among campus programs and branches, K-12 schools, four-year colleges and universities, business and industry, civic organizations and local communities
- Improve strategic enrollment and retention management - improve strategic enrollment and retention management for each of the College's core themes to expand and effectively use College assets, programs, campuses, baccalaureate opportunities and services to increase student success
- Cultivate equity and diversity - ensure a campus environment where all students feel valued, respected and supported by facilitating activities, programs and education that honor, celebrate and embrace diversity
- Improve fiscal stability - increase fiscal stability of the College through development of enhanced and diverse revenue streams and efficient use of resources
- Expand professional development - expand professional development opportunities relating to instruction, curriculum, assessment, advising, use of technology, student services and leadership
Improve communications and marketing - strengthen communications and marketing strategies through development of a comprehensive
brand and united voice that will enhance the College's image locally, regionally,
nationally and
History of Policy
Draft: January 12, 2005, February 7, 2005, February 15, 2005, March 1, 2005
Adopted: May 25, 2005, October 17, 2013
Revised: September 19, 2013