
Utilize Previous College Credit for Placement or Prerequisites

Students with previous college credit may be able to use transcripts for placement into math, English and other courses. 

Accepted Credits:

Credits earned at institutions accredited by their regional accrediting association may be accepted. To verify if an educational institution is accredited, use the provided by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Postsecondary Education.  You can search for an institution by name to find its accrediting agency.

Submission Process:

To use previous college credit for placement or prerequisite purposes, submit all transcripts and progress reports through our Secure Document Upload tool. Unofficial transcripts must include:

  • Institution name
  • Student name
  • Course grade (letter or decimal value)

Official transcripts:

Submit official transcripts and a  Transcript Evaluation Request to the Office of the Registrar for application of credits toward degree requirements. The Registrar's Office website has more information about the transcript evaluation process, including use of Joint Service Transcripts.

Foreign Transcripts:

Transcripts from outside the U.S. must be evaluated by an external service.

Recommended Credentials Evaluation Agencies

P.O Box 6908 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
P: 310.275.3530 F: 310.275.3528 acei@acei1.com 

P.O Box 514070 Milwaukee, WI, 53203-3470
P: 414.289.3400 F: 414.289.3411 eval@ece.org 

505 Fifth Avenue South, Suite 101, Edmonds, WA 98020
P: 425.248.2255 F: 425.248.2262 

P.O Box 8629 Philadelphia, PA 19101-8626
P: 215.222.8454 ext. 603 F: 215.349.0026 icdeval.com 

7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Road, Suite 300 Charlotte NC 28227
P: 704.545.2485 F: 704.545.2484 

7101 SW 102 Avenue Miami, FL 33173
P: 305.273.1616 F: 305.273.1338 fax translations: 305.273.1984 info@jsilny.com

P.O Box 5087 Bowling Green Station, New York, NY 10274-5087
P: 212.966.6311 F: 212.739.6120